Who We Are

OACBDD PAC promotes and facilitates the accumulation of voluntary contributions from the members of Ohio’s county boards of developmental disabilities, the executive and administrative personnel of those boards, the personnel of the Ohio Association of County Boards Serving People with Developmental Disabilities and members of the public for the support of political parties and candidates for state elective office in Ohio in accordance with applicable federal, state and local law. The PAC is a non-partisan committee and makes expenditures in a manner consistent with that philosophy to promote candidates who support county boards of developmental disabilities or share the goals, mission, or vision of the Association.

Get Involved

  • Members who donate to the PAC automatically join our recognition program. All contributing members will be recognized in regular PAC updates to other members and at PAC events, and those who donate above certain amounts within a calendar year will receive a membership pin identifying their donation tier status. Members who choose to make recurring donations get a slight discount!

    Donation Tiers:

    Silver - $125 (or a $10 monthly recurring donation)

    Gold - $250 (or a $20 monthly recurring donation)

    Diamond - $500 (or a $40 monthly recurring donation)

    Finally, select members may have exclusive opportunities for unique interactions with public officials from their area.

  • Members receive email updates on the statewide policy issues important to them as well as information about how their donations are supporting that agenda.

    To join our mailing list, donate or subscribe here.

  • Why give to the PAC? Every donation helps to raise our profile with state elected officials and help support candidates for state office who have demonstrated their support for Ohio’s DD system. We believe in being good stewards of your donation, and will only contribute to candidates who share our values and who can make an impact. Donate

    Members are also automatically enrolled in the PAC’s recognition program.